Thursday 4 February 2016

My second visit to Orchard Health Clinic

Today I returned for my second consultation at Orchard Health Clinic. My initial consultation/review can be found here.

I experienced some soreness/pain again after my chest workout at the gym last week, so I shared that with my Osteopath, Lewis. He asked a series of questions again before beginning on my physical therapy.

Once again, he manipulated and twisted my joints in really scary ways. It really feels scary because of the angles he distorts and turns them while pressing down hard sometimes, but I never experienced any pain because of that! It doesn't seem possible and I felt like I should be squirming in pain all the way but he somehow was very skillful and I never felt any real pain.

He did some deep massages again, and helped cracked some joints (he's a very good neck cracker!! haha). I felt he focused abit more on my wrist today, really kneading and twisting and turning at all possible angles to stretch and feel out the entire joint. For some reason there was no pain while he did this, even though just before I entered the clinic I felt pain opening a toilet door.

Then he told me he wanted to apply some tape to me today, and asked me if it was ok. I realised later that this was because it cost $15 just for the tape :o

Looks kinda cool
After our 30 min session, as I was waiting for payment and discussing with the counter staff when my next visit should be, Martin (the founder of the clinic!) overheard our conversation and came over to give some of his own advice... which somehow turned into an impromptu consultation as well lol.

He did similar physical checks as Lewis - turned my wrist this way and that and pressed in similar ways. And reassuringly - he gave the same diagnoses as Lewis - that my left shoulder/traps were a little higher than normal, my rotation/flexibility of my left wrist wasn't as good as my left, etc. Reassuring because there's interrater reliability! So it should really be accurate haha. These osteopaths are really good at detecting asymmetry.

Anyway that session cost $120 + $15 = $135 :(( This is quite expensive. 

Lewis recommended I stop pressing exercises entirely, and work on pulling exercises and see how my wrist takes it. Let's see if the pain goes away...


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  3. Hi, care to share on your subsequent sessions and whether have you healed completely aka is your wrist back to its original form. thank you!

    1. Hi there, I only went for 3 sessions total, and stopped going. The reason is I didn't feel like they were planning for my long term personal rehab, i.e. did not prescribe anything to me long term or work out some long term plan that I could do on my own. I didn't want to keep forking out 100+$ each session going back to them just so they can give me a sports massage.

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